Missing a Maryland court hearing can happen to anyone. You can forget the exact date or face an unexpected challenge that prevents you from appearing in court. Regardless of how valid your reason is, you must take it seriously. The ramifications of non-appearance in...
Criminal Defense
What being charged with an aggravated DUI can mean
Facing a DUI charge in Maryland is a serious matter. An aggravated DUI carries even more severe penalties and potential consequences for your future. Reckless behavior You may face an aggravated DUI charge if law enforcement deems your behavior extremely reckless,...
Effective ways to fight a traffic ticket
Many drivers in Maryland, no matter how responsible, will at some point receive a traffic ticket. In some cases, the ticket may be justified, but in others, the officer may have made an error, or circumstances may make the ticket questionable. A traffic violation can...
Why lie detection methods don’t work
Most people in Maryland are familiar with the concept of lie detector tests. They appear in many television shows and movies where suspects are asked to submit to a polygraph test to determine their innocence or guilt. However, in real life, these tests have many...
Geofence warrants in question after Google’s announcement
In Maryland, a type of criminal warrant called a geofence warrant has become increasingly common. These warrants compel technology companies to turn over location data culled from users' smartphones. Geofence warrants seek the location data and identities of every...
The long-term consequences of a criminal record
Thousands of Maryland residents are currently attempting to move on with their lives after being convicted of a crime and serving their debt to society. But unfortunately, the effects and ramifications of a criminal record can negatively impact their lives long after...
Will I lose my security clearance after a DUI?
Drunk driving is taken very seriously in the state of Maryland. If you have been accused of this crime in this state, you should consider the possible consequences. In addition to the penalties you can receive, drunk driving can have a huge effect on your ability to...
Why geofence warrants are problematic
Your phone has the ability to obtain and store a significant amount of data regarding your whereabouts. Police in Maryland and elsewhere may gain access to this data, which may result in your involvement in a criminal investigation. Ultimately, you may be subject to a...
Potential problems with eyewitness testimony in criminal defense
According to the NOBA project, 75% of criminal cases in Maryland and around the country that were exonerated through DNA evidence were originally convicted due to faulty eyewitness testimony. Eyewitnesses are a pivotal part of many criminal prosecutions. However,...
Why pretextual stops can be problematic
Maryland police have the right to conduct a traffic stop if they reasonably suspect that a crime may have been committed. For instance, if an officer sees that your car's lights aren't on, it is likely sufficient cause to pull your vehicle over. However, in some...